A (hopefully) daily view of the beautiful city of Madison, Wisconsin from an English woman's perspective.
Friday, May 4, 2007
hello dalai
Sorry, couldn't resist the pun - the Dalai Lama is in town! Obviously I would have loved to get close enough to take a photo of him for today but the chances of that are about zero, so instead you get a shot of the city county building flying the Tibetan flag. I know, it's an ugly building (and a less than thrilling photo.)
I remember the big to-do when the Dalai was there once before - it must have been about 1987 or 88. Ooh, I miss Madison! So glad I found this blog - The State Journal is my first online visit everyday, this will be next.
A mama to two spirited boys under 5, wife to an amazing man with a sensitive soul. An English expat in the midwest. All about growing a family and nurturing these incredible children.
Here is our life, simplified.
Hello Dolly yourself--oops! Did I spell it wrong? I heard him speak years ago in St. Paul and he is definitely mesmerizing and charming.
that is interesting since he was jus on Mau'i - I guess he must do state tours!
I remember the big to-do when the Dalai was there once before - it must have been about 1987 or 88. Ooh, I miss Madison! So glad I found this blog - The State Journal is my first online visit everyday, this will be next.
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