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the ubiquitous red barn
Yes, it looks very much like the many WI scenes I've seen over the years. Good appropriate and relevant choice!
A scene right out of the heartland. And a red barn too. Nice photograph.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Any square dancing going on there? ;-)
Chris, they're red because they're lovely in that way!
That scene is postcard like!
Nice red barn. Does it still have horses in them?
This is exactly what I picture Wisconsin to look like. It reminds me of growing up in Ohio and seems very peaceful :)
Ming - that particular barn didn't have horses in it (at least none that I saw) but the photo was taken in the middle of "Amish country" where the horses are plentiful & hard working!
Red Barn, wow I thought only Ohioan who paint their barn with bright red color. I like composition the barn in picture.
Lovely. I saw lots of such scenery this weekend as I was in Madison for my uncle's birthday. He had me take US-14 after Janesville to get around some 90 construction. Quite the scenic route and didn't seem that slow or out of the way!
Back in the 1960s and early 1970s we used to spend 2-3 weeks every summer at my Grandma's house on Lake Pepin. Your photo today brings back a flood of memories because you're right, this is a very typical Wisconsin scene.
Thanks for bringing those long-ago memories back!
A lovely barn...I grew up around them, and jumped out of the top part onto haystacks below as a kid.
I've often wondered why Barns are painted red.
This is a perfect Red shot :)
Classic yes, but so nice!
Lovely little house! Nice shot!
Most of the barns here in Switzerland aren't painted at all. In fact, I don't know that any are. But, further north, in Scandinavia and so on, they paint their barns red as far as I've seen in photos. Maybe it was those immigrants that started the red barn trend in the northern US? At any rate, a beautiful image.
very calming picture. I like it!
theres something new I learned - did not know that is why so many barns were painted red!!!
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