82 Daily Photo sites are participating in the 1st May theme, "City Exchange", please use the links below to visit them. Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day.
Monte Carlo, Monaco - Rome, Italy - Singapore, Singapore - Tenerife, Spain - Rotterdam, Netherlands - London, UK - Montréal (QC), Canada - Melbourne, Australia - Naples (FL), USA - Bastia, France - Hong Kong, China - Mazatlan, Mexico - Buenos Aeres, Argentina - Manila, Philippines - Arradon, France - Madison (WI), USA - Evry, France - Seoul, Korea - Shanghai, China - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Sequim (WA), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Budapest, Hungary - Baziège, France - Hamburg, Germany - Toruń, Poland - Nelson, New Zealand - Madison (WI), USA - Vantaa, Finland - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Mainz, Germany - Dubai, UAE - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Cork, Ireland - Stockholm, Sweden - Menton, France - Tel Aviv, Israel - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Kitakami, Japan - Stayton (OR), USA - Szentes, Hungary - Stavanger, Norway - Grenoble, France - Villigen, Switzerland - Paris, France - Hyde, UK - Moscow, Russia - Joplin (MO), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Greenville (SC), USA - Cape Town, South Africa - Asheville (NC), USA - Seattle (WA), USA - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Madrid, Spain - Auckland, New Zealand - Oulu, Finland - Lubbock (TX), USA - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Sydney, Australia - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Vancouver, Canada - Seattle (WA), USA - Selma (AL), USA - Chandler (AZ), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Manila, Philippines - Lyon, France - New York City (NY), USA - Los Angeles (CA), USA - Brookville (OH), USA - Hayle, UK - Wailea (HI), USA - Saarbrücken, Germany - San Diego (CA), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Cypress (TX), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - Torino, Italy
yes, it seems so far away! pretty nice!
at the end i decided to post a photo from another city...
doesn't matter which version of the theme you go with -- there's a huge variety out there today
This is an interesting tidbit of information about Madison. Good photo, too.
A picturesque Oriental flair!
That is a very beautiful pavilion indeed! How wonderful that it was a gift from the King of Thailand!
Wow, I was in another country. Lovely photo.
Neat! Not one nail?! Thanks for adding to the variety, this is fun!
Check out my theme day pic:
I got in late to the list.
Have a great day!!!
I love Thai architecture...how cool this is in your city! Happy Theme Day from Maui! What do you think mine is underneath?
That is nice. A city exchange photo honoring a student and cultural exchange.
I missed you yesterday. I like your photograph a lot. Reminds me of Japan or the Orient. Nice.
not a nail?? how does it stay together? wow - that is pretty kewl and must have been tedious to make with no nails! - i guess they use ropes or something to tie everything together
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