Monday, April 23, 2007

free red bikes!

Well, not all red bikes are free in Madison, just some of them. There's a program here in town where you lay down a deposit and get a spray-painted red bike and a lock for 6 months. None of them are anything special but the whole point is to get you from Point A to Point B. Pretty nifty.


Camera Shy in WI said...

Fun fact: when they started the Free Red Bikes program, it was anarchy - the bikes were located around downtown, no locks, no sign up - if you saw one of the Red Bikes, you could just use it. Needless to say, pandemonium ensued. But that's what my ex-boyfriend refers to as "Wisconsin Socialism."

Anonymous said...

hey-- I didn't know that whole deal had changed. I was still in the socialism paradigm. And in fact I saw one of them just yesterday locked to a bike rack and thought 'they aren't supposed to do that!!' So, Chris, besides the pretty pics you're educating people here. good work.

Kala said...

this is such a great program to encourage people to us foot power - perhaps reduce our dependency on oil in some smalllll way - I bike during the weekends and only drive on weekends when I have to - great post!!

Jemimah said...

Quite helpful piece of writing, much thanks for this article.